Friday, 22 March 2019

Find YourSelf to Find Peace - Live Consciously!

Even though we all are unique and therefore different in many ways, we also have a few things in common. One of them is the desire to be in peace. We all want to be peaceful. We all are trying to find peace. Agree?

Some of us go to a quiet place to find peace, some of us listen to nice soothing music to feel the peace, some of us meditate to find peace, some of us travel to beautiful places to find peace, some of us spend time with nature to experience peace. What is your choice? How do you find your peace?

While to some extent all these methods work, it is all for a little while, it is very temporary relief and sooner than later, we find ourselves twisted back in stress like a high tension wire. Are you all with me in this?

This is the nature of this material world. Everything is temporary. Peace, happiness, sadness, illness and life itself. We feel happy when someone is born and cry our heart out when someone dies. We all like things comings our way and whatever we like, we want it permanently. We do not like losing things. We want stability. We don't like changes - what to talk of the VUCA world as all of relate to especially when we speak of HR.

So, what is the solution? Solution is in using our intelligence and gaining the knowledge and understanding about "What is Life?", "Who are We?", "Where do we come from?", "Why are we here?", "What is our ultimate purpose?",  What is the meaning of this temporary life?", "Where are we headed?", 'What is Death?" "What is happiness?" and so on. Once we get a proper understanding of our self, our surrounding and our journey of life, we will no longer be afraid of the unknown. We will go through the ups and downs of life with the same excitement as we go through the roller-coaster ride. We will look for action and not peace. We will know that doing the right action will lead us to peace.

We need to also figure out 'What is right and wrong?", "What is action?", "How to live?", "What is valuable?", "What is love?", "What is attachment?", "What is desire?' and so on...Life will bring us answers and then will bring us newer and more interesting questions...and best part is life itself will help us find the answers to all our questions. Questions and desires pave the path of our life journey which will provide us with the answers. In that sense it is like a very engaging game that we play with loads of people around us and we need to figure out if we want to play solo or for best results find the right match of people to create our team. With me still? Wonderful.

When we can engage ourselves living our lives with intelligence and using all our faculties effectively, life becomes interesting as it is. We will be busy living a meaningful and purposeful life and we will find our happiness, peace and love within whatever we are engaged with and within ourselves. Want to know more on how to go about all this and live a conscious life? Connect with me and let's talk.

In the meantime, wishing you all a wonderful and conscious weekend! 

Thursday, 21 March 2019



Many of us feel lonely in the crowd of family, friends, colleagues. community, society and so on. We all speak and socialize, but are not able to speak our mind. Many of us feel we have people around us but feel not understood. When we don't feel understood, even love does not feel real. Trust seems misplaced. Expectations seem unreal and stressful. Do you relate to any of this? If not, you are lucky. If you do, know that you are part of the majority. 

However, having said that, it is not something to be proud of. It should not be like this and does not have to be. But if this has to change in our lives, only we can make it happen. We need to become aware, acquire knowledge and lead a purposeful life. Rest will happen. Read on to know how to do this.

First step will be to become aware of ourselves with introspection and observation. Making our own independent assessment of our inherent (may be hidden) talent, skill, passion, interest, strength and weakness. 

Second step will be to have the knowledge of the fact that we are exactly the way we are meant to be by our creator. Period. We will be happy to therefore accept ourselves as we are and then figure out what is it that we are meant to do. We will be perfect for what we are meant to do. Our weakness will seem like our strength when you see how it affects what we are meant to do. This will help us understand our life purpose. The purpose for which we have been created. 

Third step will be to get busy with what we need to do to align ourselves with our purpose. Ignore everything else. Have the courage to move forward with what you know you should be doing rather than what others expect you to do. Only way to do this is to have the awareness and knowledge as mentioned above providing us with absolute clarity. Once we have that clarity, we can be committed, determined and trust me once we display these qualities, no one can stop us or probably would want to stop us.  It has to be more than just a fancy hobby like interest. It has to be the kind of interest and passion which gives you a purpose not just to live but to even die for. That is when we actually live our life. This is part of growing and evolving. 

Once this is happening, we will get connected to our kind, our tribe. When you are learning music, getting to know others with interest in music is natural. Same is the case when you are learning computers or painting or mediation or doing community service. Is it not? That's it. When we find our tribe, we will find people who are like us and will understand, appreciate and encourage us. Oh yes, there will be people who will display jealously etc....just observe and stay away from all kind of negative people, energies...the ones referred to as energy suckers :-) 

It is obvious if we are able to do this, we are in good company and we are happy wherever and however we are. Agree? What's stopping you from getting started now and align yourself with what you are meant to do? Whatever age and stage of life you are at, you can get started. Let's not waste this precious life any more at least. Let's find our tribe...let's go....hey, but you know it right, do it consciously! Need help, reach out to me...will be happy to support! Go for it friends!! Start NOW!!!

Encourage and Trust Self and Others - Consciously!


  We are born limitless, we are excited and want to move, walk, run and fly from the time we come to our senses, however, we are also born with self-doubt and do practice some caution. This is how intelligence in nature works! Life give us opportunities to experiment, learn, grow and believe in our abilities and the more we know of  our abilities, we become confident and start trusting our selves while we still take necessary caution. When we become comfortable at a particular level, we want to move forward, stretch ourselves and see if we can go beyond where we are and for this we also take calculated risks to experiment reaching newer heights. This is in our nature. If all of us are left to be, we will show these basic tendencies at least in an area or two which is our unique ability.

Look at a baby learning to take its first steps. The baby is scared, doubtful and not sure but since the child has not yet been introduced to labels which puts limits on his abilities in his mind, he or she still goes forward irrespective of the fear. However, as soon as the child sees his or her mother or father encouraging him or her to take the first steps, the child becomes all excited and goes for it with amazing confidence and becomes fearless. 

What if the same parents had freaked out and jumped up and held him or scolded him for trying to hurt himself ?? The child may never try again. The child will believe in this fear more than in his own intuition and confidence to walk even through a few falls. If we allow our children to fall while learning to walk, what happens later? Why do we stop the child from taking risks, follow his or her natural instinct and give in to fear and caution? Is it because walking is common and a known skill but as we grow, being unique our paths vary? Are we as adults scared of unknown situations and do we stop our children from doing what they are meant to do because it is new to US also?? We want to know what the child is attempting so that we can protect? Can we not try and educate ourselves on what the child wants to do and encourage the child by making sure we create those cushions around so that even if he falls, he is safe? Why not? Are we just lazy or too busy or lacking confidence in our selves and that is why we stop our dependents from living their lives? Point to introspect for sure.

As children grow in age, they are gifted with labels from people around on their limits as they perceive. They are being instructed and told what to do and what not to do. They are in a way being told they are not trusted, they are no longer being encouraged to do what they wish to do but they are being told to do what is comfortable and easy and known to the adults. This is exactly how and when we kill their confidence, self-belief, excitement, decision making and thinking ability forever.

Some of us are born with the attitude to fight against anything that we do not understand and prove it wrong and others just accept it. Both ways lead to a life that is not fulfilling. Our life is either about proving others wrong or limiting our selves and growing into what others make of us. Some while trying to prove others wrong, forget to look at what they want and ultimately lose out on everything including their self-confidence and give up on themselves! So, are the adults or friends in a child's life becoming their murderers? Are we unknowingly, unintentionally doing this to our loved ones?

Till the time we have people around us instilling fear in us, we need those loving, non-judgemental, caring, compassionate, trusting parents, mentors, coaches, teachers and friends in life who provide us with the confidence to do what we want to do when we are ready to do and go for it irrespective of our fears and encouraging us to take that step and giving us their un-wavering support whatever happens. Otherwise, we should be left on our own and we will come out to be mighty Tarzan's in the jungle of life! 

This is the environment that makes the real difference in who we become as a person in this life. It is just not about the economic and social status of the family or the community we are born into. This is the sole purpose of an adult to provide for the young ones or even towards the friends we have in our lives. If I have one encouraging and trusting friend or a family member in my life, I can flourish in my life better than having the luxury of the whole world but only expectations and labels as a legacy.

When we get to explore on our own and become aware of our awesomeness, then we live the life we are meant to life. This is life in this world, this is the goal, this is excellence, this is happiness and everything we know of related to self, self-discovery, self-awareness, self-leadership. 

After this point comes the whole aspect of knowing what are we meant to do with what all we can do and what is our purpose and meaning in life. Once we figure out our purpose, we need to align ourselves consciously and then begins our journey of achieving the purpose of this material and temporary life. We can then start living a purposeful or meaningful life in this world. 

However, even then we will feel a kind of emptiness at some point. This is the point when we become aware of the need to become conscious of our eternal spiritual journey and then align our material life with that spiritual purpose and journey to experience bliss internally even in the most discomforting situation externally. We don't have to wait to get to this point. Knowing this, does it not make sense to  educate ourselves early enough on this aspect as well, so that we can be spiritually and materially aligned for a complete and holistic life from early on? 

This is when we transcend the real limits of ourselves and our surroundings externally and become the truly limitless selves - the spirit souls - and get in touch with our own unshakeable, awesome, amazing self - find the real wings to fly and transcend beyond this maerial plane of life and create  a life we desire to transcend to in the spiritual world! This is when we are consciously spiritual - aligned to the spiritual plane through our spiritual self. 

As we welcome spring this HOLI, let's consciously start your spiritual journey and welcome the colourful, wonderful and amazing spring in your life and live a bountiful and blissful life here and beyond - starting NOW! 

Monday, 18 March 2019


Courage is hidden till we are faced with situations that ask of us to find it within ourselves. Every time the situations are a little more challenging than we know we can handle and then this magical tool comes to our rescue and surprises us with what all we can manage! When we are born we believe we are "limitless"....which we are....and then based on what we are told we start limiting our abilities and put a cap to our abilities and call it capability!!

When we are born, we are quite independent in our thinking and only believe in ourselves. We believe we are limitless and venture out to experiment, learn and start living. Then in the process of being nurtured,  we are made to believe very quickly that we need adults to guide us, support us and even approve of us to make it in life. By the time we are adults, we unfortunately end up being more dependent on the system or so we believe for our existence.

When we become truly aware of our real self and its nature, we once again become limitless. For some it is a moment that brings this realisation and for many of us life stretches us little by little and if we go along with the belief life has in us, we can find our true limitless self again. Life throws many challenges at us knowing well that we can deal with it and is encouraging us to wake up to our true self...some of us take the cue and wake up to it and take full advantage of it to excel in our life in what we are meant to do and fly like a rocket and others....unfortunately doubt the Universe, life and give up.  Instead of taking challenges as an opportunity, they look at it as an unsurmountable problem and lose out on life itself!!

Today, I encourage all of you to ask yourself - how have you been dealing with the challenges thrown at you by life? Have you experienced your limitless nature in recent times? If not, do you think it is time to? What can you do today to know that you are limitless? Yes, you don't have to do anything to become are limitless just need to know it, become aware of it, become conscious of it, believe in it, trust it and start living the most glorious life you can live...starting NOW! Have a fantabulous day becoming conscious of your limitlessness!!

Friday, 15 March 2019

Becoming and Being Self - Consciously

Many misunderstand the statement - be yourself. It is not being careless, irresponsible, lazy and do nothing. Being self first takes becoming and this is a huge responsibility as a human to first become aware of our current status, of the potential we carry and then work towards becoming capable of performing as per our real potential. This is like recognising self to be a potential flower when we are still a bud and then enjoy the process of blooming into a flower and fulfilling our purpose of spreading beauty with fragrance in this world for others. No flower is waiting for its appreciator to come and enjoy its existence. Whether it is appreciated or not, it fulfils its purpose and once done sheds itself and moves forward in the journey of life. There is purpose within this world and another eternal purpose as part of the eternal world. Let's discover the wonder we are, our wonderful purpose in this world and beyond and enjoy the wonderful journey of life being and becoming  - consciously -  starting today! Have a wonderful day!!

Tuesday, 12 March 2019

Bhagavad Gita - 1/46

Today's reading of Srimad Bhagavad Gita. Now onwards only weekly (Sunday) 15 minute readings will be posted on my YouTube Channel. If enough members are interested in an interactive session, we can switch to FB live sessions as well. Do let me know. Have a wonderful day ahead!

Sunday, 10 March 2019

Communication is important in a relationship. It is a God given gift we have to learn to use to help us understand others and help others understand us so that we can relate to each other and have a relationship. Otherwise, there may be assumptions, presumptions, misunderstandings, misplaced expectations etc. which may become the root cause of problem in any relationship - be it personal or professional. Organisations also therefore need to communicate. We can feel attracted to someone for sometime but lasting relationship is possible only with mutual respect. Of course, trust is the foundation of a long lasting relationship. Trust is something that should be respected and also maintained by all concerned. It is not blind and should not be. Have a conscious and wonderful day ahead 🙏😊

Bhagavad Gita - 1/35-40

Lead YourSelf-Consciously - Promo#2 for April 2019 Program

Hi friends, please watch the video and then go to and register yourself and your team members now for the upcoming program! Write to me for any clarification. Thank you!

Bhagavad Gita - 1/31-35

Saturday, 9 March 2019

When the difference between work and life does not exist or when work days are as exciting or more than holidays is when you know you have found your calling. The dream that you are meant to pursue. Simply deciding on a dream and then committing or killing yourself to achieve that is meaningless since it is important to enjoy the journey as much as you imagine you would enjoy achieving the goal. When we live consciously, we know the fact that every moment could be our last and hence don't postpone anything for future. Live now! Be happy now for what you have....don't wait for anything. Usually we don't lack anything in the now. It is just the desire for something more in future or a fear of losing what we have now is what makes our present uncomfortable. Be comfortable but not lazy...have fun this Sunday....consciously