Saturday, 10 March 2018

International Woman's Day - An experience to share

I had a wonderful experience on this Woman's Day that I wish to share with you all. I was invited to conduct a session on the theme "PressForProgress", which was attended by woman employees. They gave me an opportunity to also sell my book since they felt it is relevant for woman and to the occasion of Woman's Day. As I was moving out, Ajay of In4Velocity was checking out if he should buy my book -YAY, I AM 18. He asked what is the book about. I explained to him. He then said this before he bought one, which made my day "My wife Swarna was working and used to celebrate Woman's Day at her office in a big way. Now, with two kids, she has decided to be a full time mother and home maker. So, I guess it becomes my responsibility to gift her something and make her feel special on this day. Book I think will be a great gift because she loves reading and I think she will connect with the subject of your book. Please give me one copy. How much?" Thank you Ajay for being who you are. I wish more men think and do what you are doing. How many of you are able to relate to this? Swarna, you are one lucky woman. God Bless both Ajay and Swarna and their two beautiful daughters 💞💞💞💞

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