Friends, I am happy to share that Conscious Living Center (CLC) has officially turned 2 today! And if you are wondering what is the picture about - it is a cake....depicting a historical monument under construction! This is how I feel - a bit messy and things are all over - need to go back to my drawing board to keep looking at the big picture of how it will look when it is done and feel motivated to get back to work.
It has been an interesting journey so far with the 9 months of pregnancy when I started on this journey of setting up CLC. Investing everything I had and myself did all the paper work necessary with professional support to set up a private limited company, created the program content, reached out to the market and did the pilot tests. By the time the company was born, I was elated to see my adorable baby born and I could hardly keep my eyes off the 'Certificate of Incorporation'!
I created a dream plan of establishing a center which will be an example of modern Gurukul and Ashrama where young ones comes to learn about life and the elders come to stay connected to their roots and grow their spiritual knowledge and sadhana! I saw a place which had everything - from a wonderful temple, mediation and yoga hall, school, college, sports village, old age home, orphanage, hospital, garden with beautiful flowers, fruits, vegetables, trees, plants and water bodies. I saw spiritual masters, disciples, young and old all joyfully engaged in divine service! I saw all of us growing own food, travelling to historical places and living a simple yet rich life! I hear the laughter of kids, young girls and boys engaged in sports - surfing, skating, cricket, badminton and what not, singing bhajans and engaged in learning classical music, dance etc., adults cooking some amazing food, painting, sculpting and so on and elderly sharing their life experience and Krishna Katha with all the younger ones! This is my dream for CLC.
Hmmmm....even now when I speak of this dream, I have tears in my eyes. This is what I believe is not just possible but should be and look at what is happening around us! It is painful to see directionless, helpless, stressed out, depressed, fearful individuals! It is sorry to see how people are wasting their life! It is terrible to see how we all are being brain washed by some power hungry demons of today's society and they have indeed managed to make us all their salves - slaves serving these demons! We are being fooled to believe we have to secure ourselves, we have to succeed by earning luxury, we have to be busy being busy even if it is at the cost of own health and family ties!! All we are doing is to help them make more money. We are throwing ourselves in the burner of economy as a fuel....not to enjoy the economic growth but to serve those who want us to jump in!
Anyways, so how do I feel today with where CLC is? When I think of the lives touched and the difference we could make to a handful, I feel a sense of satisfaction. However, when I compare it with my vision - it is hard to celebrate. It is like the construction site cited above in the birthday cake - messy and seems like I have got stuck.....I need to fasten the speed of construction to stay afloat physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually and also yes financially. But then I need support and resources to make it happen. I still am alone in this journey and it is getting harder. Those with entrepreneurial experience will know that this is the hardest year of a start-up. The 3rd year! It is tough to even sustain while it is time to grow exponentially and make a mark.
While I need to prepare the content, reach out to the market more than ever and also deliver some amazing programs, have to do it not at a shoe string budget - but almost no budget! This is the year when the growth opportunities are highest since two years of work starts bringing results but to entertain those opportunities, you wonder where you will manage your resources and being alone in the journey does not make it easier. So, frankly I find it hard to jump up in joy celebrating right now. I don't want to be disturbed. I was to stay focussed on work at hand and make things happen. I have lots to do before I go to sleep :-)
So, while I wish CLC HAPPY BIRTHDAY! I also pray that it survives and grows up fast before this mother gets too old - by the way, it is my birthday too and am not getting younger either.. hee hee :-) So, more than wishes, I want gifts - in the way of connects or some volunteering...even donations are more than welcome I say - call it investment - ROI will be your share in creating the wonderland of CLC - nothing more, nothing less :D
Have a wonderfully conscious day ahead! For those celebrating Ugadi and Gudi Padwa, I wish a very happy and prosperous new year too!
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