Wednesday, 19 August 2020

Coaching for Conscious Leadership

CONSCIOUS LEADERS are those who have first learnt to lead themselves and be the example for those they lead. 

Leading oneself involves mastering every faculty of self so that each of the faculties individually and along with other faculties collectively function at their optimal potential. In other words, a Conscious Leader is one who is living optimally as per his gifted potential.

In order to live upto one’s potential, one has to first become aware of themselves and their potential, learn to manage and lead or master themselves accordingly. 

It is important to note that life is a journey and whether we are conscious or not, we are moving forward constantly. Conscious Leaders are not just aware of this movement but direct their life movement towards a meaningful goal which they identify as their life purpose. 

Once a Conscious Leader starts leading his life in the manner described above, he naturally, without any extra effort, positively influences those around and starts having the impact only a true Conscious Influential Leader can possibly have.

Such Conscious Leaders have an objective of supporting others to become capable of leading their own selves and demonstrate Conscious Leadership in their own lives thus continuing the ripple effect resulting in creating a Conscious Ecosystem and ultimately a Conscious Society.

A Conscious Society is the only solution for the chaos that we find ourselves in today, which is a result of the multiple conflicts we create within ourselves and around us when we live without being fully conscious of our decisions, choices, actions and their reaction. Over a period of time, these  unresolved conflicts add up and create a havoc in our lives and grow so complex like a cancer that we find it hard to dissect and understand it anymore. The more we try to figure it out, the more entangled and complex it seems and therefore, at times, some of us feel that it may be best to wipe out our complicated life like a clean slate and start all over again! 

However, life is not a slate and it is too precious to be compared and dealt with like a simple material object. Ending our life or living a life devoid of life, because we don’t know how to sort it out is not the right solution. We need to first of all be grateful of becoming aware of our problem. Next step is to try and manage the issues ourselves, if we can. Otherwise, we need to learn to find the help we need and seek it out. Once we have the right help, we need to follow the advice we may receive to be able to walk out of the mess and start the life we are meant to live. 

As many of us would know by experience, it is best to seek help from a professional that try to find help from friends and family who themselves have a complex entangled life and most of the times will be judgemental or biased because of their perception of your past or current status. 

There are different kinds of professional help we may need, depending on the situation we are in and which aspect of our life we wish to sort out. There are counsellors, psychiatrists, mentors, advisors, consultants and finally coaches. You need to understand how these professionals help and in what situations and then depending on what suits you best, you should go out and consult and know that the most popular or the most expensive professional is NOT necessarily the best.  Be smart.

Once as individuals we are sorted, we will be able to support others in leading a conscious life and provide them with a conscious ecosystem and a coaching culture which may be most conducive  for individual and collective growth, be it in the educational system or a business, professional or family environment.

For youngsters till the age of 35, facilitation, counselling and mentoring may be more effective since their own life experience is limited. Once one has travelled their adult life and have shouldered responsibility and accountability over a period of time and have gone through failures and successes, they will be able to utilise coaching services to reach their potential in the most effective and long-lasting manner.

Coaching is fairly new approach and is yet being understood how one can utilise this for their professional, organisational or personal growth. However, with personal experience of being a leader, a mentor, a consultant, an advisor and finally a coach and having utilised all these services at one point or the other for my own self or my organisations, I am a big fan of coaching as a process. 

Coaching is a brain based approach and supports one is becoming aware of their own self including their purpose, potential, values, principles, strengths, weaknesses, unique gift, calling, etc. so that one can chart out a purposeful life that helps them consciously live the life they are meant to live. 

By living the life we are meant to live, we are able to most effectively contribute in our life personally and professionally which in turn results in us feeling content, peaceful and happy in life. We can experience living with gratitude and in a pure blissful state of consciousness.

Coaching is not just a science or technique but a Coach is a Soul Partner for their coachee, who travels there journey of life with them seamlessly. Coach works in the background selflessly showering love and confidence encouraging the coachee to become aware, then accept, appreciate their unique gifts and bloom to their fullest potential. 

A Coach has to be a Conscious Leader who is demonstrating in his behaviour all the qualities of a humane leader decorated with the values of honesty, integrity, commitment, professionalism and finally has the coachee’s interest as the only agenda during the entire coaching process.

Hence, like a doctor, know when to reach out to a Coachee and select the right one carefully. If I can be of any help to you as a coach or a friend in the process, do feel free to reach out to me over or over whatsapp on +91-9686036182. 

With best wishes and loads of love and regards to all

Archana Krishnamurthy   

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