Friday 15 October 2021

Happy Vijaya Dashami!

Vijaya Dashami is an Indian traditional festival which is celebrated for the win of good over the evil. The story is related to Ramayana and this is the day Lord Rama wins the battle against Ravana.

So, I am sharing my views on how we need to look at and understand these stories that are from our ancient scriptures and are part of our tradition. They are our history and not just mythology. Secondly, let us learn to take things " as they are" in our scriptures and stop interpreting things as per our convenience. Lastly, let us understand "good" and "evil" and how it depends on who we are and what is our "prescribed duty" or "Dharma". Let us all pledge to make an effort to become conscious of life, ourselves, our purpose, our innate gifts and contribute through a meaningful life in making this world a better place in our own little way. Wishing one and all a very happy and conscious Vijaya Dashami. Anyone interested in these topics, may connect up with me through the comments section. Thank you!

Tuesday 12 October 2021

 Our Hon'ble Minister of Health, Mr Sudhakar recently made some statements as part of his speech at focusing on mental health and since then he has been in the news for all the wrong reasons. Strong reactions have come in the media against him and his statements. Now, since I have not heard his entire speech, my idea here is not to support him or be against him but just pick the 3 statements against which the entire media seems to be reacting against and give my take. My agenda is to request society to wake up and have the courage to look at things as they are and not take it personal and more importantly, do what can be done in areas where we can make a positive contribution for the sake of our community, for the sake of humanity. Let us not get into the habit of rejecting what is not convenient for us to hear. Let us all wake up, be conscious and build a conscious society. My intent is not to hurt anyone's sentiments. If some of you are interested in having a intellectual and objective conversation around this topic, with the objective of finding ways to contribute positively, then please write to me in the comments below and if we have an active group of individuals interested to think through and take action at their own level, we will create a separate group to discuss in private. Thank you.

Sunday 21 March 2021

Govinda Govinda!!


The man in the center in the above photograph is Govinda. Every single day, he comes to feed the dogs in the Vontikoppal area of Mysore. Some days he brings a pack of glucose biscuits and some days he can be seen distributing rice in neat bowls to all the street dogs. They obviously love him and come running to him as he arrives. But also, they are very respectful and wait for their turn, as if they are assured they will get their share and they don't have to fear or compete. His love can also be seen in the way he shows his concern for them. Let me explain this a bit more. 

I have been seeing Govinda every day,  as the place he has chosen to do this divine contribution, happens to be part of my walking pathway. Why I call this divine, you will know in a little while. One day I was inspired to speak to him. My curiosity to speak was because by the looks of him, I could make out that he is not very well to do financially. So, I was wondering why does he do what he does and I was curious to learn of his inspiration to do what he does. So, while I was speaking to him, one of the dogs was getting prepared for an attack and even before it could happen, his entire attention was on the dog and a car that was going to come by zooming past us! He knew the dog is getting prepared to chase his favourite car of sorts and he starting talking to the dog and calm it down....nevertheless the dog ran after the car and till the dog came back, Govinda had a worried look on his face and kept calling the dog back...he seemed like a father trying to calm down his young son. It was amusing to see so much compassion and love in his heart, his eyes and actually his whole being!! 

I asked him if I could speak to him. He said "Yes", while he continued feeding his dogs. I asked him what does he do for a living. He said in a very calming tone, "I used to drive auto". I said "oh, so you are an auto driver" and he replied "No not anymore. I was. I cannot drive anymore." I said "Where do you live?" He looked up for the first time to me and said with a slight smile, "here, there, anywhere". I was in awe of this person and was trying to figure him out. I continued, "What about your family?" He said " they have all gone back to Chennai. I was also born there. My father was in Railways. He got posted here many years ago. So, we all came here. Now, after his retirement, they all have gone back. I decided to stay back here." I said "What do you do other than taking care of these dogs now a days?" He said, "oh, I am pretty busy during the day. I repair cycles in a couple of places. You might have seen me in those places actually." I asked him if I could take a picture of his. He nonchalantly said "sure". 

I then asked him the most important questions "Why do you feed these dogs?" To be honest, I had assumed he will give one of the answers I already had in my mind, like 'Because I love dogs' or 'Because they are my family now' or 'Because I like feeding dogs' but when I heard his answer, I found my Spiritual Guru in him or it may not be wrong to say that I found my God in him! 

He said " Because He (with his hands up) gives it to me and asks me to give it to them (dogs). He is the giver. Not me. I only do what He asks of me. I am only a channel for Him." While I stood there almost staring at him as if I was wanting to see his real face and trying to digest the fact that he gave such an enlightened answer, he was busy feeding the dogs as usual. Now you know why I said earlier this was his place and way of his own "Divine Contribution!"

It was as if I lost my words, I forgot how to did not matter to me anymore what he was doing, I was trying to process what he said and I was trying to see how I was lead to him to learn something so awesome. In my mind I touched his feet and in parting I asked "What is your name?" and he said "GOVINDA" and my heart went Govinda, Govinda!! and I had a smile on my face and tear in my eye and my soul spoke finally - " I knew it was YOU are the best teacher....THANK YOU! HARE KRISHNA!!"