Tuesday 12 October 2021

 Our Hon'ble Minister of Health, Mr Sudhakar recently made some statements as part of his speech at focusing on mental health and since then he has been in the news for all the wrong reasons. Strong reactions have come in the media against him and his statements. Now, since I have not heard his entire speech, my idea here is not to support him or be against him but just pick the 3 statements against which the entire media seems to be reacting against and give my take. My agenda is to request society to wake up and have the courage to look at things as they are and not take it personal and more importantly, do what can be done in areas where we can make a positive contribution for the sake of our community, for the sake of humanity. Let us not get into the habit of rejecting what is not convenient for us to hear. Let us all wake up, be conscious and build a conscious society. My intent is not to hurt anyone's sentiments. If some of you are interested in having a intellectual and objective conversation around this topic, with the objective of finding ways to contribute positively, then please write to me in the comments below and if we have an active group of individuals interested to think through and take action at their own level, we will create a separate group to discuss in private. Thank you.


  1. I agree! There are a lot of things that we just take for granted or in our stride. Also, it is the 'chalta hai' or 'we are like this, only' attitude. Why should we accept everything and think this is the way it is. Why can't we raise our voice and say 'no we don't accept it', we need to have some basic humanity. Unfortunately, in our country, humanity, caring and respect of our fellow citizens is lacking. I am with you, in whatever way I can support you. I care about the future we are leaving for our children.

    1. Thank you for your support. Every support means a lot. Let's all who think alike or are willing to discuss matters that are important with an open mind should come together. We can make a bigger difference by coming together. So, if you wish to connect up with me and other members of Conscious Living Center, please share your contact details with me over my email - archana@consciouslivingcenter.in. Would be happy to join hands in this endeavor of living consciously and helping others in the process too.
