Friday 15 October 2021

Happy Vijaya Dashami!

Vijaya Dashami is an Indian traditional festival which is celebrated for the win of good over the evil. The story is related to Ramayana and this is the day Lord Rama wins the battle against Ravana.

So, I am sharing my views on how we need to look at and understand these stories that are from our ancient scriptures and are part of our tradition. They are our history and not just mythology. Secondly, let us learn to take things " as they are" in our scriptures and stop interpreting things as per our convenience. Lastly, let us understand "good" and "evil" and how it depends on who we are and what is our "prescribed duty" or "Dharma". Let us all pledge to make an effort to become conscious of life, ourselves, our purpose, our innate gifts and contribute through a meaningful life in making this world a better place in our own little way. Wishing one and all a very happy and conscious Vijaya Dashami. Anyone interested in these topics, may connect up with me through the comments section. Thank you!

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